Did any of us really think things were going to be different? Like, the second the minute turned from :59 to :00, what, magically everything is going to be different now? Biden won the Presidency and we might get the Senate and it's a New Year so Covid is over and everything is gonna turn out alright?
I've been incredibly lazy, and a fucking lot has happened since the last time I wrote one of these. It's hard to know what to focus on, because every week it seems like we sink further and further into this shitty timeline with no clear end in sight. This is a long one and probably not that good, but I had to get this stuff out while it's still fresh and somewhat current. Because if it's not current no one cares and I might as well just fart on my laptop for all the good this is going to do me. Are you ready, 24 Hour Outrage People? Here we go.
Thoughts And Prayers For The Youth of America
Two people shouldn't be dead over a car dealership. Because that's really what this is amounts to. A 17 year old kid, surrounded by so-called “responsible gun owners”, was armed with a deadly weapon in a state he didn’t even live in guarding property that wasn’t his and that he wasn’t hired to guard even though, as he claims, “People are getting injured and our job is to protect this business.” That's a direct quote. He used the word job. In no rational reality can anyone call an untrained 17 year old wielding a rifle protecting someone else’s shit for no money a job. And given that there is no indication they were hired by anyone, I'm guessing he used the word "job" to describe what he was doing in the same way I describe what I do as "journalism". We're both fooling ourselves and desperate to appear legitimate, but hopefully I'm not gonna get anyone killed.
It's weird, because I do have empathy for this kid, if only because even if he beats the charges, which he there's a good chance he will, his life is still going to be fucked. He's garnering minor celebrity for killing two people. Self-defense or not, that seems like a serious personality flaw because it's hard to believe remorse is anywhere on this kid's radar. Maybe it is, but it seems highly unlikely since four months later he's out drinking wearing a t-shirt that says "Free As Fuck". This kid doesn’t need a beer, he needs a therapist
I think a lot of kids either need or are going to need therapy or some kind of help with their mental health. Consider this past year. It’s a lot to handle. Pandemics, protests, riots, a seemingly never ending parade of opportunistic jerkoffs and self righteous assholes all doing their best to shout louder than everyone else with their uninformed opinion, while any semblance of leadership falls apart at the highest levels of government. Hell, look at all the adults that are snapping, people who should be equipped to deal with adult situations.
And through it all, I am sure there are thousands of kids falling through the cracks and getting nowhere near the level of support that they need. It’s no wonder that so many police calls wind up being because of mental health issues; sick kids turn into sick adults but now they become the system’s problem. I sometimes wonder how so many politicians sleep at night, knowingly cutting the funding that helps the least fortunate just so their donors can deposit even more money into offshore bank accounts. And then I remember that the soulless need no sleep.
I can't imagine the circle of people around this kid. If it's the same kind of people who think a 17 year old heading off to guard a car dealership with a deadly weapon is a good thing to do, then I doubt he has learned anything from the situation and feels fine about the fact that two people are dead. I wouldn't be, and I really hope I don't know anyone who would. Whoever forbid I am ever in the situation where it's my life or theirs and against every honest bone in my body I come out alive, I can't imagine I would feel good about it.
But he's also a kid, and kids are stupid and always looking for answers in the wrong places. I'm 33, and I'm still stupid and looking for answers in the wrong places, but at least I have some life experience to draw on before making bad decisions. Not to mention how brainwashing the media has become in this stupid, fearful country. I'm glad I came of age when I did, before social media really sank it's claws into our souls and drove us mad. Now imagine being that young and impressionable and having all these people both in real life, in the media and online probably calling you a hero after putting yourself in a dumb situation that you never should have been in and killing two people as a result of police negligence.
Although, given the videos that show the cops basically giving their blessing to this whole sorry affair, I'm not sure negligence is the right word. It's not negligence when you're supporting armed militias after your boss repeatedly denied their request to help because he's not a complete moron and knows that untrained and armed civilians with heavy right wing views are not going to mix well with left-leaning, highly pissed off and also possibly armed protesters. I think complicit is a better word. I don't know, what would you call it?
Between Some Rocks And A Porn Shop
Speaking of calling things for what they are, this is probably the best segue I'm going to be able to think of to lead into the circus that was the 2020 Election, which seems to still be going on, somehow. I was really hoping the election cycle would be over by now, but no. It's still on going and still as pointless as ever.
I live in a country with 330 million people, and I can honestly say that only around, I dunno, 85 million are sane people and see this shit for what it is. Even with the recent actions of The Beast, which we will absolutely get to, it still doesn't matter who is President or who controls the Senate or which religious asshole they put on the Supreme Court. And it doesn't matter because there is no honesty left in this country, and so many of us are so comfortable that we're okay with the perpetual misery that our system causes for so many of us, both at home and abroad.
I really don't care if the election was stolen or not. There, I said it. I just fucking don't. I'm sure all five of you reading this are raising your eyebrows at me, but whatever. Do I honestly think it was stolen? Nah, not really. I'm sure there was some fuckery, same as every election we get involved in, but if the Democrats really did try to steal the election, why would they only target Trump? And the Republicans know it, because according to them, somehow only the part with the President was fraudulent. The most logical way to explain Trump losing and a lot of Republicans winning is simple: a lot of Republicans voted for Biden this time around, but still voted R down the rest of it. And if they really had anything, all of these judges who were APPOINTED BY THE BEAST wouldn't have thrown this shit out of court. And yeah, it's funny to watch Rudy melt under the lights and Sidney Barron get sued for a billion dollars, but whether or not the election was stolen is a moot point because Joe Biden isn't going to do shit to change anything and apparently very few of us fucking know it. How anyone can think a career asshole and his VP who is not only happy to but somehow eager to lock up innocent people is going to change our systemically racist for-profit justice system is beyond me. Not to mention health care.
I don't know how anyone can defend that walking science room skeleton Pelosi, who is just as responsible for us not having affordable health care as any of the other bog monsters. I just looked it up and of course, one of her largest contributions last election cycle came from the healthcare industry, but like every politician, her largest donor was Retired, which basically means people that list "retired" on their financial statements, so, in a word: boomers.
Apologies to my parents, even when I think only one of them reads this, but of course the generation that profited off the successes of the generation before them while yelling at the rest of us to just get a better job is responsible for the shit situation that we're in. And yeah, I'm generalizing, but I've honestly had enough of these fucking assholes. The economy we have today is nowhere near the same as the economy we had in your day, and it's your unflappable resolve to never understand that fact is a huge part of what's holding us back. That and 90 Day Fiancé.
But going back to Pelosi, she's scum. You know it, I know it, we all know it. Hate Mitch McConnell all you want, and I do to the point that I am having a BBQ when that evil fuck finally collapses and hopefully cracks his skull on the way down, but at least he leans into his awfulness, lays it all bare and says "What are you gonna do about it, Kentucky?" who always seem to resolutely answer "Nothing at all." Pelosi loves to pretend she's part of the #resistance, but like the rest of the corporate Democrats, she raises up one fist while holding the knife she plans to plunge in our collective backs with the other. What's even more disheartening, however, is the weak response from the "progressive" wing of the party.
And I use the term "progressive" loosely, because I don't know any self-respecting progressives who keep entrenching themselves in the very games they claim to hate, but that's all this has come down to. Just a fucking game to the lot of them. We reached four thousand dead in a day from Covid a couple days ago, but like everything else we desperately need, apparently now is not the time to fight for it.
Which perfectly leads me into this last part.
Well That’s A Fine How Do You Coup
The way the media called the Ukraine scandal "Stupid Watergate", I've been calling the Capitol Riots "Stupid Fort Sumter" in my head. Because that's what it was. A bunch of stupid, probably poor racists with no real plan goaded on by a bunch of rich fucks from the south, some living, some dead. And by dead, I literally mean the Confederacy considering how many stars and bars I saw being waved around.
Not that I really give that much of a shit. It's hard for me to keep a straight face every time people talk about the Capitol building being desecrated when it's the same building where people vote to murder children halfway around the world. Whatever little dignity or sanctity that building held has been gone for a long time, if it ever did have any to begin with.
It doesn't bother me that average citizens stormed the Capitol. It bothers me that they did it at the behest of The Beast. And there is no denying that, considering many of those arrested are using the excuse of "The President told me to do it." thinking they were following his orders. There is no benefit of the doubt to be given here when you consider his rhetoric for the past all of his life. We put a delusional senior citizen who does nothing but watch TV, golf and tweet about everyone being his enemy in a position of enormous power. This was not going to end well, no matter what the outcome of the election.
It's depressing, really, to think about. It wasn't for civil rights or healthcare or education or anything of actual material importance. It was to keep the boot on our necks, squeezing out the oxygen while hallucinating having our very own golden toilets. Which is really the crux of the whole issue. So many in this country have been warped out of their own humanity that this really was only a matter of time, and because of the culture we created and the way we've learned to look at each other as the enemy, it was only ever going to be over something stupid.
But I am worried, because it's clear that people in the government were okay with this happening, whether it was the Capitol police who opened the barriers for those idiots with no plan, except to probably murder a bunch of politicians, or the fact that people have been planning something like this all over the internet and somehow no one in the government picked up on it and planned accordingly. There is no excuse for such a weak response, only the glaring truth that something really fucked up is going to happen in the future.
This didn't begin with The Beast, and it is not going to end with him, impeachment or not. Would I like to see him impeached? Yes. It would be hilarious to watch him be stripped of everything that Dronebama got after leaving the White House, but it would be meaningless, if only because I have a feeling we're going to see a large rise in domestic terrorism over the next few years. And if we do, we're really not going to have any choice other than to call it The Trumples, because like a lot of what we do, it's just a more stupid version of something that has already happened. And is that the point we're at in our history now? We just keep repeating the same mistakes and get dumber every time?
People have every right to be mad, but for whatever reason, we are incapable of being mad at the right things. All I see is people punching down, whether you're on the left and shitting all over the poor who go to Wal-Mart for Duck Dynasty merchandise or you're on the right and for whatever deeply troubling reason someone else's sexuality affects you. Don't mistake this as a call for civility, because it's not. We should be angry, very fucking angry, because the biggest profits always seem to come from our collective misery, and whether it's billionaires, politicians or billionaire politicians, the punching is coming from the top. I guess shit really does roll downhill.
I'm not quite sure how to end this, so maybe abruptly will probably be best. There's just too much. I didn't even mention the Christmas Day bombing in Nashville or the weirdness of a guy who said we'll always remember him without him killing people, which is what really sticks out to me as odd. I realize you can't rationalize crazy, but his whole reason for doing the bombing was, according to him, to be remembered, but how the fuck can anyone remember anything these days? There's a new headline almost every day. I can't even remember his name, and usually I'm good with this shit. As I write this Pelosi is threatening to impeach if Pence doesn't evoke the 25th in the next 24 hours, which is even more fucking grandstanding from these assholes. Just fucking impeach. Hold to some kind of conviction.
One more thing: who knew the soundtrack to the revolution was going to be "Gloria" by Laura Branigan?
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